Afraid To Fly

Tonight we rescued a baby bird from our fountain. I do not know if he had fallen in or was dropped in by some animal or other bird, but however he ended up there, he was not doing well. At first, I thought he had already died, but as I continued to look in the water, I noticed the faintest amount of movement. I am not good with picking up wild animals so I asked my son if he would like to be a hero tonight. He put on some rubber gloves and we went outside and he gently scooped him up out of the water. The baby bird was shivering and could not keep his eyes open. My husband came out and set him in the sun to dry off and warm up. We did not think that the bird was going to survive for much longer.

About 45 minutes later I checked outside and he had hopped about 20 feet away and was doing great. He was squeaking and the shivering had stopped. As we watched him off and on throughout the evening he moved around a bit more and had somehow gotten on top of our fence. I could tell that he was not sure how to get down. He would move his little feet and look down anticipating his landing. He was afraid to fly!

Some will think this is hokey but I began to think about how many of us are afraid to fly. We are afraid to try new things or develop new skills for fear of what others may think. We are afraid of failing or being put down by other people.

Just recently, I picked up a bass guitar and am beginning to learn it. I must admit, I am scared to death to play it in front of people for the first time. What if I play the wrong note? What if I forget where any of the notes are? What if they think I look silly? What if… what if…. what if……

If any of us are constantly worried about what others think, we will never do anything in life. Heck, we would not step foot out of bed or even leave the house. What a miserable life!

People are going to judge us no matter what we do, or don’t do, in life. That is their deal! I am not going to let the naysayers make me afraid to fly.

So what if I totally blow it when I play my new guitar? What is the worst thing that could happen? I tell you what I hope I will do if that happens. I hope I pick it right back up and try again.

Do not be afraid to fly!  Think of all of the great things you can accomplish. Don’t cheat the world of your skills. Follow your dreams! God will deal with those who sit back and judge you. Do not give them the satisfaction of stopping you! Do not be afraid to fly and soar high!

Written by Kathryn Conrad

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